Friday, 11 May 2012

Einstein came up with a theory about space...

...and about time too!

Yes, the blog has returned from the dead, or at least the archived.

I've been having a tough time of it over the past few weeks; my Achilles has been niggling and I've had to nurse it along, which has curtailed my running; my mojo was last seen going on holiday to Portugal with its parents, though thankfully it has been returned largely unharmed after it terrified its captors with off-key versions of The Ace of Spades; weight loss has been akin to a faster-than-light neutrino (I was hopeful for a while but it turns out to be an optical illusion)

My 'B' races didn't quite go according to plan; I woke up feeling dreadful on the morning of the Worcester Marathon so didn't run; for the Stratford Marathon, even the ducks were moaning that it was 'a bit wet', so the organisers shortened the race to a half marathon only. I ambled round with Squish in 'just too fast to die from hypothermia' and came home for an afternoon of blankets and hot drinks. As we passed two by two up the gangplank at the finish, they promised to post me a medal, but it's not arrived yet.

I lost a week of training (and of my life in general) because I  felt grotty; this handily coincided with my GP having cut my thyroxine dosage three weeks earlier. After a small discussion, I'm now back on the original dose and feeling good again.

It seems that Hasn't Entered Yet Dave is definitely not going to enter, thus disproving the power of the collective subconscious; meanwhile Already Entered Dave is crocked and, like the Vatican delegate to the World Birth Control Conference, may have to pull out at the last minute. It may be just me and my IPlod; the conversation will be less stimulating, but at least the songs will be in tune...

AE Dave and I had been logging some pretty good training miles til that point, including a trip round the Mid Worcestershire Ring and a couple of outings that saw us recce the route from Bewdley to Tewkesbury. I think it's only fair to throw in the following photo at this point, so that those of you who haven't seen it before may be as confused as we were...

We were working on Dave's 'random but radical' run-walk method which involves 23 run/7 walk; it really does work very well for me and I expect to be employing it during the race.

We had got some pretty good 'very entertaining when you've run a long way' material too, to include tractors as the One True God (and featuring diggers as false prophets), membership of the Fukawi tribe and a whole series of obvious double entendres about having been up Madge Hill; as an aside, who said that this race was flat?

Since the potential demise of AE Dave, I've been out on a few decent long runs in the ever-deepening bundu which passes for the British countryside; it's hard work running through long grass, so I have devised a cunning tactic; apparently there are around 25 entrants for the Severn Challenge; my plan is to let at least 20 of them break the trail for me, so that I may have an easier run. Please note therefore that if I am seen pootling along at or near the back, this is NOT because I'm fat and lazy, but a deliberate strategy.

On our earlier runs, we were congratulating ourselves on how dry the trails were, and commenting that if ever it rained lots, it would all get very muddy and claggy and generally hard work; good job it's not rained so much that the river has flooded since then...

I can't do much more in terms of training, I've now just got to hold it together until race day. As Einstein never said, I should do relatively OK; well, in theory anyway.

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